Monday, September 29, 2008

ohh, runway.

i am absolutely loving the shows this week, extremely fulfilled by what i am seeing before my eyes. I LOVE YOU PARIS FASHION WEEK, seriously. BALMAIN, which i know many bloggers have covered this but i am tagging along because it was truly perfection. looking at these collections, made me realize how much my taste in style is so diverse. i love the rocker chic of balmain, but then my heart goes out to the feminine looks of lusia beccaria. (photos

bravo chris decarnin, bravo.
BALMAIN, what is there to say? it was the definition of rocker chic. from the mini ballerina-esque dresses, to the distressed jeans, and the pops of hot pink and the MICHAEL JACKSON inspired jackets. (the review even mentioned him). it was the ultimate kick off for this week.

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LUISA BECCARIA, totally opposite of balmain. this is one of those collections that is totally in my taste, and of course it consists of ruffles and bows. very elegant, i love the peachy colors and icy lavender, the fabrics were exquisite and looked amazing.

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i wore one of the skirts i made today. i am having mixed feelings about the weather continuing to feel like warm spring, instead of fall. i am dying to wear some of my sweaters, jackets, and so on. i will probably regret saying this when it is freezing, and i don't want to leave my warm bed everyday.

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Catnapsch said...

I love Balmain's stuff, but I'm not fond of the shoulders.

Anonymous said...

i lovedd balmain.
incredible stuff.

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

I adore all if the Beccaria pieces!